Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.

Years after the event is over, you won’t remember much about the food, the dancing, the speeches and how wonderful the venue was decorated, but the pictures will last forever as a reminder that everything was wonderful!


Now that everyone literally has a camera in their pocket, photography can sometimes feel commoditized and marginalized in a sense. It’s not until I get a call from someone whose family member recently passed away and they are desperately looking for a photo to be shown at the funeral. It is my photo that will stand as a memorial to the deceased. A natural disaster destroys an area, when the residents are allowed to return to the area the most important items they are looking for are pictures. For some brides, their wedding can almost be like a blur. Weddings have been described by some brides as a nervous out-of-body experience; they were a part of the wedding, but they never saw the wedding. It’s when they see the pictures for the first time that they see themselves, the bridal party, the venue décor and the wedding in all its splendor. Sometimes they cry! It’s a special moment for the bride and groom and a special moment for the photographer as well. It is in these moments when you realize the relevance and power of photos. Photos and video freeze moments in time, they document reality and gives us an opportunity to revisit those moment. A bride and groom will look at their wedding photos many times during their marriage.

Professional photography is essential for events; it is one of the most important components, perhaps second only to the activities and venue. I emphasize ‘professional’ meaning someone with the right gear, knows what they are doing and is paid a professional fee for their service. Can you have an event without professional photography; certainly, if it is a backyard bar-b-que with family and friends. A professional event must have professional photography. If we are talking about a wedding, hopefully no one has to explain the importance of quality photography and videography. All events require photos and video for a number of reasons. The profile and stature of any event is raised when the participants notice that the event is being professionally photographed and videotaped. Participants like knowing they can view and or obtain a photograph from the event if needed. Likewise, event owners also like to see photos and video from the events. In this day-and-age event owners want to create an instant buzz about an event by having content placed on social media immediately after the event. In many cases your investors, sponsors, and talent expect photos and in cases where the local media didn’t attend, its nice when you can provide them with content as well. Perhaps one of the most important but sometimes overlooked needs for photos and video is to promote next year’s event. - Nothing promotes an upcoming event like seeing all fun everyone had at last year’s event.


Event Planning & Management


Aerial Drone Photography & Videography